

An exceptionally early harvest, low yields and high quality characterize the Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2022 vintage. It is a very special vintage indeed, where each parcel expressed itself in a different way.

One recalls that 2021, marked by an exceptional spring frost, ended on a dry and cool winter. The 2022 vegetative season therefore started with slightly early bud burst and a rainfall deficit that the following dry and mild spring and the exceptionally early, hot and dry summer never compensated.

Only 50mm of rain fell from March until May, against a normal average of 150mm. During the summer, it only rained twice (late June and mid-August), bringing a brief respite of 30 to 70mm, depending on the parcels. The rainfall deficit during the vegetative period can be compared to those of the 2003, 2017 and 2019 vintages. From bud burst until harvest, the temperatures kept above normal seasonal levels, reminding us of the 2003 heat wave. These extreme weather conditions mainly characterize a vintage that some already regard as among the best of the past decade, a vintage that was partly rescued by the stormy episodes that swept across the region around 15th August. Unfortunately, these storms also produced hail in places, impacting a few sectors of the Châteauneuf-du-Pape appellation. Shortly after the lost crop and damaged grapes were observed, the mistral wind blew and saved the sanitary state of the grapes that were finally harvested at peak ripeness.

We can safely say that 2022 is the vintage of resilience and precocity, as some of the white grapes were harvested as early as 17th August and the first Syrah grapes from 23rd August. Harvest time spread over more than 2 months and particular attention was needed to deal with the maturities, parcel by parcel, in order to control the potential alcohol degrees and aim at fine tannins.